Often, hospitality technology aims to provide guests with enhanced luxury – but in some cases, that luxury is merely the art of being able to do it ourselves (with the simple click, tap or swipe of a button). This has long since been made apparent within airports,...
Attention to the mobile experience is no longer up for debate — in fact, it’s become a pivotal focus across industries for many years now. With guest expectations leading the charge, hotel companies everywhere are making the leap to invest in best-in-class, innovative...
Rapport publicerad den 19 november, 2019 08:00 CET. Flera kundavtal i USA och partnerskap genererar nya möjligheter i Europa. Tredje kvartalet för koncernen (2019-07-01 till 2019-09-30) Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 544 (198) KSEK Resultat efter finansiella poster...
In the past few years, we’ve witnessed a great deal of change within the hospitality industry. From the technology hotels use to streamline operations and stay current, to the way hoteliers can capitalize on touch-points and offer a more personalized experience,...
Partnerskapet mellan VisBook och Zaplox startade under 2018 och erbjuder en förintegrerad lösning av Zaplox mobila gästresa till VisBooks kunder. VisBook AS är ett norskt programvaruföretag som utvecklar, säljer, utbildar samt tillhandahåller support av...