June 2024 Meet Sara Östergaard – Chief Commercial Officer Hello Sara, congratulations on reaching your first 100 days milestone at Zaplox! Thank you! I’m really pleased with my first 100 days. It’s hard to sum up such a period in just a few...
2024-06-13Radisson Hotel Group is entering the next phase of its comprehensive digital transformation to improve the guest experience with the introduction of digital keys, in partnership with Zaplox. In December 2022, Zaplox was selected as the technical partner...
June 2024 We are excited to announce that our President & CEO, Tess Mattisson, has been nominated for the Entrepreneur of the Year award by Nordic Women in Tech. Their mission is to recognize female role models in the tech industry. We sat down with Tess...
May 2024Zaplox is attending a summit that gathers executives from the tech industry’s most innovative companies. Invited by Google and attending alongside Strawberry.“This event is a great opportunity for us to connect, share insights, and collaborate to drive the...
Idag, den 23 maj 2024, hölls årsstämma i Zaplox AB (publ). Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades. Samtliga beslut fattades enhälligt. Resultatdisposition och ansvarsfrihetStämman beslutade att disponera över bolagets resultat enligt styrelsens...