Zaplox AB (publ) (“Zaplox”) is proud to announce the launch of a brand refresh. Introducing its new value statement “A complement to hospitality” the company is taking a new position in the market that better reflects where the company is today...
Zaplox AB (publ) (“Zaplox”) signs an agreement with hotel chain Nordic Choice Hotels for the delivery of mobile keys. The agreement includes Zaplox SDK, which will form an integral part of the digital guest journey for the chain’s more than 220...
Tredje kvartalet i följd med stark ökning av kontrakterade dörrar. Tredje kvartalet för koncernen (2022-07-01 till 2022-09-30) Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 1 370 (869) KSEK. Resultat efter finansiella poster uppgick till -7 096 (-9 145) KSEK. Resultat per aktie*...
Zaplox AB (publ) (”Zaplox”), som erbjuder hotell och kasinon en digital gästupplevelse, har tecknat ytterligare fem nya avtal för implementation av mobila nycklar med kasinooperatören Boyd Gaming Corporation i USA. Parallellt med att nya avtal signerats, har fyra av...
Zaplox, a market innovator of the mobile guest journey and mobile key services for the global hotel market, and SALTO Systems, a leading manufacturer of electronic access control solutions, team up for the Independent Hotel Show London on October 4-5, 2022....