Pressmeddelande Stabil tillväxt med bibehållen kostnadsnivå- Både årets nettoomsättning & ARR ökar med över 3 MSEK Fjärde kvartalet för koncernen (2024-10-01 till 2024-12-31)• Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 4 694 (3 804) TSEK.• Bruttomarginalen uppgick till 91...
Lund, Sweden – 2025-02-12 Zaplox AB (“Zaplox”) continues to set the standard for innovation in digital self service solutions. Recognized for her visionary leadership, Tess Mattisson, President & CEO of Zaplox, has been named Best Hospitality Innovation CEO of...
February 2025Zaplox is proud to announce that our President & CEO, Tess Mattisson, has been awarded the Best Hospitality Guest Innovation CEO of 2024. This award recognizes her visionary leadership, and lasting impact on the hospitality industry. In an interview...
Tess Mattisson, January 2025It’s no longer enough to base your business strategy solely on numbers and historical data. I’ve seen this firsthand over the years—data can only tell you so much. What truly sets businesses apart today is their ability to understand human...
Pressmeddelande 29 oktober 2024. Optionslösen tillförde Zaplox 7,7 MSEK – skapar utrymme att fortsätta leverera på strategin Tredje kvartalet för koncernen (2024-07-01 till 2024-09-30)• Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 4 891 (3 942) TSEK.• Bruttomarginalen uppgick...