Rapport publicerad den 2 maj 2019 08:00 CET. Zaplox meddelar härmed att årsredovisningen för 2018 finns tillgänglig för nedladdning på Zaplox hemsida (www.zaplox.com/investor/rapporter). Årsredovisningen finns även bilagd som en pdf till detta pressmeddelande....
Aktieägarna i Zaplox AB (publ), 556816-4460, kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den 23 maj 2019 kl. 09.00 på Ideon Science Park, Beta-huset, Rum Hellmuth Hertz, Scheelevägen 17, i Lund. Registrering kan ske från och med kl 08:45. Rätt att delta och anmälan...
These days, travel is anything but ‘standard’. With the steady rise in boutique hotels, unique accommodations, innovative technology, luxury travel brands and a personalized guest experience, the hospitality industry has evolved into a truly exciting landscape. Of...
Technology is continually evolving at a rapid pace, leaving industries eager to remain ahead of the advancements that continue to redefine their respective offerings and demands. Within the hospitality industry, we see hotels investing in new technology to meet...
Strategic partnership brings Zaplox revenue-generating mobile check-in, mobile keys, and mobile check-out technology to protel hotel customers. More than 14,000 hotel customers with about 1.4 million hotel rooms will now have the opportunity to enrich their mobile...
To provide great hospitality, hoteliers need to know what their guests want. And what guests want, now more than ever, is complete efficiency, control, and personalization — an experience that is both hands-on (with personal touches) and hands-off, with the latest...