The demand for a seamless, hassle-free mobile customer journey isn’t unique to the hospitality industry — rather, it’s transforming countless industries around the world. Mobile is quickly becoming the experience modern consumers prefer. Utilizing mobile-optimized...
The modern guest has high expectations for your hotel — expectations that, if not met, will likely lead them to a competitor who has evolved their offering to meet those demands. Perhaps the most integral aspect of the guest journey currently taking the hotel industry...
What makes a great guest experience? This is a question that remains top of mind for every hotelier, and the question which drives much of the evolution within our industry. As the guest journey continues to evolve in terms of touchpoints and expectations, hoteliers...
Rapport publicerad den 20 augusti, 2019 08:00 CET. Ny produktgeneration och ökat partnerfokus Andra kvartalet för koncernen (2019-04-01 till 2019-06-30) • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 494 (1 013) KSEK. • Resultat efter finansiella poster uppgick till -9 950 (-7 615)...
Popular boutique hotel in Vienna renews the contract with Zaplox to meet the increasing demand for mobile check-in and mobile keys and other mobile guest services. Zaplox AB, a developer of mobile guest journey software for hotels and casinos, announced it has signed...
Popular boutique hotel in Vienna renews the contract with Zaplox to meet the increasing demand for mobile check-in and mobile keys and other mobile guest services. Zaplox AB, a developer of mobile guest journey software for hotels and casinos, announced it has renewed...