Partnership with Agilysys results in yet another premium U.S. casino deploying mobile keys based on Zaplox SDK Zaplox AB (publ) (“Zaplox”), which offers hotels and casinos a contact-free mobile guest journey for a safe and engaging guest experience, announces that it...
Zaplox AB (publ) (”Zaplox”), som erbjuder hotell och kasinon en mobil gästresa för en smidig och engagerande gästupplevelse, meddelar att de inom ramen av partnerskapet med Agilysys ska leverera mobila nycklar till Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, ett AAA Four Diamond...
Andra kvartalet för koncernen (2020-04-01 till 2020-06-30) Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 1 285 (494) KSEK. Resultat efter finansiella poster uppgick till -5 251 (-9 950) KSEK. Resultat per aktie* uppgick till -0,13 (-0,25) SEK. Kassaflöde från den löpande...
Mobile guest app helps improve guest safety while providing in-app access to luxury amenities and concierge services. Zaplox AB (publ) (“Zaplox”), which offers hotels, vaccation rentals, and casinos a mobile guest journey for a safe and engaging guest experience,...
Zaplox announces Jacques Canive is joining as the company’s new CFO effective from September 1, 2020 Zaplox AB (publ) (“Zaplox”), which offers hotels and casinos a contactless mobile guest journey for a safe and engaging guest experience, announces today...