Why Guests Love the Convenience of Self-Service Technology

Guests crave an enhanced connection with the hotels they frequent; however, this connection can be strengthened through the provision of self-service technology. Why? Because offering both high and low touch service options allows guests to pick and choose their level of experience, based on their needs at that time. Research has found that 80% of customers prefer to self-serve to get the information that they need. Modern guests, especially those of the millennial generation and younger, are continuously demonstrating a desire for increased mobile functionality and convenience. This desire conceptualizes in the form of integrated hotel apps, mobile check-in, and mobile keys, just to name a few. In fact, it is reported that guests using a digital key generally rate a hotel seven points higher than traditional key card guests.

By implementing a mobile guest journey app, guests have the power to handle their own reservations, upgrade their room, check-in in advance, use their smartphone as a digital key, take advantage of offers, check-out and book their next stay. Not only does this minimize operational stress for hotel staff, but it demonstrates a hotels’ willingness to cater to the entire spectrum of guest service expectations.

With this technology in place, you can effectively nullify the traditional hassle of front desk lines and check-in delays for a seamless arrival. When you perfect the basics, you guest is free to view (and interact with) your hotel with a new, uninhibited perspective. Further to that, you’re also freeing your staff to invest their time in more personalized, genuine interactions with each guest. With the driving trend in hospitality innovation being the personalization of the guest experience, this capability is of incredible value to your hotel.

The mobile experience also creates more user touch-points which, in turn, represents an increased opportunity for guest connection and data collection for increased personalization. With access to guest data and behavior, hotels can better customize communications and respective offers for various guest segments. By continuously refining offerings with insight-driven data, hotels are then able to serve their guests better each time — all while improving profitability.

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